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What is powder?

A powder is a dry, bulk solid composed of many very fine particles that may flow freely when shaken or tilted. Powders are a special sub-class of granular materials, although the terms powder and granular are sometimes used to distinguish separate classes of material. In particular, powders refer to those granular materials that have the finer grain sizes, and that therefore have a greater tendency to form clumps when flowing. Granular refer to the coarser granular materials that do not tend to form clumps except when wet. Many manufactured goods come in powder form, such as flour, sugar, ground coffee, powdered milk, copy machine toner, gunpowder, cosmetic powders, and some pharmaceuticals. In nature, dust, fine sand and snow, volcanic ash etc.

Our powder grinding mill can grinding many kinds of material into powder, mainly non-metallic minerals, here are the common non-metallic minerals and their powder applications:

Calcite, 80-2500mesh, can be used in various feed additives, plastic factories, rubber factories, cables, paints, etc.

Limestone, 80-325 mesh, can be used to produce anhydrous calcium chloride, desulfurization absorbent for power plant flue gas desulfurization, etc.

Talc, 400-2500 mesh, talc powder is widely used in cosmetics, medicine, paper making, plastics and other fields.

Dolomite, 80-400 mesh, it can be used in building materials, ceramics, glass and refractory materials, chemical industry, agriculture, environmental protection and other fields.

Barite, It can be used as a weighting agent for drilling mud and can also be used to make pesticides and pigments.

Bentonite, 200-325 mesh, mainly used in various casting coatings and various ceramic glaze coatings.

Potash feldspar, 80-2000 mesh, potassium feldspar is widely used in industrial sectors such as ceramic blanks, ceramic glazes, glass, electric porcelain, abrasive materials and for potash fertilizer production.

Kaolin, 200-2000 mesh, can be used in paper and ceramic industries.

gypsum, 100-2000 mesh, mainly used in construction and building materials fields.

Coal, 100-325 mesh, pulverized coal is generally used in gasification, liquefaction industries or direct combustion.

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